Heating System History

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The invention of the heating system may be one of the most significant advancements in architectural history. Prior to its invention, a majority of heating was done through biomass and coal. To appreciate how important your heating in Calgary is, you need to learn more about the history of it and how it evolved.

The earliest heating system was crude, but not as inefficient as you might think. This early system consisted of hearths and stoves— and caused piping heat to generate through an under-the-floor system. Modern heating systems got a push from the invention of a circulating fireplace. The fireplace would pull cold air from a posterior vent and warm it. The warmed air would be pushed into the room through openings that were strategically placed above the mantle.

The 1700s saw even more advancements in the creation of a heating system. A duct system was designed that would push combustion air from the outside. This was one of the earliest attempts at creating a duct system that would allow for the free flow of heat throughout the home. Coupled with more complex designs of the fireplace and other heating appliances, a crude model of the modern day heating system was born.

The system continued to evolve until the late 1700s when a central heating system that featured ducts for each room was introduced. Between that period and the year 1900, there were several companies that perfected the heating system using a furnace and steam heating system. By the time the first thermostat came along in the 1920s, the heating system was very similar to the one that is used today. The systems were relatively inexpensive and available to even those with the tightest budgets.