Calgary Furnaces / Help and Tips

07 Sep

Easy Steps to Save Money on a Furnace Repair Job

By Brham Trim (Calgary) Furnaces 4946 Views

Having proper heating in Calgary is essential for the winter months, which is why it's important to have a reliable and high-functioning furnace. If not, you might find yourself faced with a costly furnace repair. If you ever do need a furnace repair, however, here are a few steps to take to minimize the financial impact.

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09 Mar

Heat Unit Repair Work

By Brham Trim (Calgary) Furnaces 4713 Views

being used in your home? If that sounds like a lot to you, it might be a good idea to look into how you can reduce the costs of energy and furnace repair in your home.

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09 Feb

All About Buying a Furnace Online

By Brham Trim (Calgary) Furnaces 4703 Views

A furnace can make all the difference in your home. In fact, there is probably nothing more enjoyable than spending a winter evening in the comfort of your warm and cozy house. If you don't have a fully-functioning furnace, it may be time to look for a replacement.

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26 Jan

Quick Fixes for Your Furnace

By Brham Trim (Calgary) Furnaces 5154 Views

All furnaces wear out eventually. The maximum lifespan is about 15 years. However, there are some quick fixes that can lengthen your furnace's life and keep your home heated. If you think you need furnace repair, check these quick fixes first to save yourself time and money.

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12 Jan

Is It Time For A New Furnace

By Brham Trim (Calgary) Furnaces 5093 Views

Furnaces can last for a long time, but like anything else, they will wear out eventually. There are many ways to tell if you need a new furnace. Some are easy to check by asking yourself a few questions:

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01 Dec

Heating System History

By Brham Trim (Calgary) Furnaces 4524 Views

The invention of the heating system may be one of the most significant advancements in architectural history. Prior to its invention, a majority of heating was done through biomass and coal. To appreciate how important your heating in Calgary is, you need to learn more about the history of it and how it evolved.

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17 Nov

Where to Find Cheap Parts for Furnace Repair

By Brham Trim (Calgary) Furnaces 9548 Views

Calgary in the wintertime is one of the worst places to be when you need furnace repair. Not only can breakdowns be expensive, but the weather is such that living without a furnace is miserable. Whether you need electric, oil, or gas furnace repair, a key way to save some money and to get your furnace repaired quickly is to purchase your own parts for furnace repair.

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11 Aug

Furnace Filter Replacement Tips for Heating in Calgary

By Brham Trim (Calgary) Furnaces 4043 Views

When it comes time to replace the filter in your furnace, there are a few things you should know. The quality of the filter you choose dictates how often you must replace or clean it, and the type of filter will determine what kind of air quality you are getting out of it.

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13 Jan

Spring Furnace Maintenance

By Brham Trim (Calgary) Furnaces 3594 Views

No matter how exposed or 'used to' these Canadian Winters we get, every time February and March come we're all just sick of the slipping, sliding, shoveling, and other nuances of the cold months. “Think Spring” is a common sentiment but it's much more than the thoughts of birds chirping and flowers growing.

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16 Dec

What to Expect During a Furnace Cleaning

By Brham Trim (Calgary) Furnaces 4519 Views

We recommend that you have your furnace system inspected and cleaned at least once a year in order to ensure that your unit is in good condition. Having one of our technicians take a look at your unit can lengthen the life of your machine and help to diminish emergency repair costs. It can even serve to help your overall heating costs throughout the year.

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