Tommyfield Gastro Pub’s Brilliant Washrooms

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Tommyfield Gastro Pub’s Brilliant Washrooms

As we place a high priority on customer service, we at the Gentlemen Plumbers are always on the lookout for the best public washrooms. A company’s public restroom can reveal insights into how that company values and treats its customers.

This week, the Tommyfield Gastro Pub in South Calgary has caught our attention with its British themed washrooms, appropriately named ‘The Loo.’ Each toilet is separated into its own private red phone-booth room, complete inside with retro-styled checkered tile floors and graphics reminiscent of Old England. Add its well-maintained status and it’s easy to see why the washroom was a finalist in Cintas’ Best Restroom Canada last year.

If you know of a public washroom here in Calgary or elsewhere that should be featured on our blog, please contact us, and we might feature it here!